A quick(ish) play with redshift environments. I used SSS for the text/tenticles and plugged in the curvature node added to a ramp node to get the different colours at the end of the tenticles. The tenticles were created using hair with geometry generated along the splines. The text and splines were then added to a volume builder, then a volume mesher to bring it all together into a single mesh. Turbulence was added to give a slight movement to tenticles along with the vibrate tag. Interactive playback then became an issue because the calculations of the dynamics and the volume builder took so long. The solution was to bake out the animation as an alembic file once I was happy with the model and movement. Rendered the sequence as PNG files then added a minor colour grade using Lumetri in After Effects.


Selected Works

RibbonsFlowProject type

Abstract SequenceExperiemental Motion Graphics

Set Design ExperimentProject type

ShatterSmokexparticles experiement

Sand AdvectionExperiemental Particles

Strange WoodsExperimental Xparticles

100 DesignsExperimental Design

Space Logo RevealXparticles

Sea LifeVarious Redshift tests. SSS, Environments + Volume Builder & Mesher

Calm3d Motion Design

Abstract GEOAbtract with basic shapes booled together

Artic3d Still


Interested in working together or just have a question? Get in touch!


David Taylor
Creative Director
+44 (0)7900 490 181 / david@unfettered.design
for corporate enquiries visit www.thestorymill.co.uk